Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Massage Therapy Following Nature's Therapy

If you like to hike, you’ll love hiking on Mt. San Jacinto. The State Park offers 54 miles of hiking trails located within a 14,000 acre pristine wilderness, one of the last in California. All trails are accessed by exiting the Mountain Station and descending a concrete pathway less than a mile to Long Valley. In Long Valley, there are picnic tables, water, a Ranger Station, flush toilets and some easy trails.

San Jacinto State Park Tram Tower 5
In this past year, I have become an avid hiker. Ask any of my Facebook pals, who have had to endure my continuous “hiking updates” and photos. To say the very least, the views in Palm Springs are spectacular! I love to share the stories and photos of my adventures, as often as I hike.

My friend Jules and I purchased special $60 Season Passes which allow us to take unlimited rides on the Palm Springs Ariel Tramway to the top of the San Jacinto mountains. TWO AND A HALF MILES above the Coachella Valley, the top of the mountain is a refreshing break from the Summer heat below. I’ve heard that the temperatures are, on average, 30 degrees cooler up there! From my front door to the top of the mountain takes about 20 minutes. The tram ride itself is breathtaking, and worthy of a blog entry all its own. Maybe I’ll write that someday soon?
Passing the Descending Tram Car

Just inside the city limits of Palm Springs, you will see the aptly named road called Tramway. Turn Southwest and continue up the winding road, across the alluvial fan. In Palm Springs, we have fancy names for our geological formations, which natives use in our daily vernacular. We have quite a few of these alluvial fans in the area, but I would say none are as dramatic as the one at the base of the San Jacinto Mountain.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, an alluvial fan is: unconsolidated sedimentary deposit that accumulates at the mouth of a mountain canyon because of a diminution or cessation of sediment transport by the issuing stream. The deposits, which are generally fan-shaped in plan view, can develop under a wide range of climatic conditions, and have been studied in the Canadian Arctic, Swedish Lappland, Japan, the Alps, the Himalayas, and other areas. They tend to be larger and more prominent in arid and semiarid regions, however, and generally are regarded as characteristic desert landforms. This is particularly true in the basin-and-range type of areas of parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the western United States, Chile and Peru, Sinai and western Arabia, and Central Asia, where the basic landscape configuration consists of mountains set against adjacent basins.

The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, constructed in rugged Chino Canyon on the north edge of Palm Springs (about two hours by car from Los Angeles and San Diego), did not just happen. It required foresight, planning, financing and, most of all… a vision. For years, it was the dream of a young electrical engineer named Francis F. Crocker to "go up there where it's nice and cool". Crocker's dream began in 1935 while he was on a trip to Banning, California, with newspaper publisher Carl Barkow. Mopping his brow in the heat of the day, Crocker gazed on longingly at the still snow-capped peak of Mt. San Jacinto, 10,834 feet high. "Crocker's Folly,'' as it was soon dubbed by one newspaper woman, began.

Rugged Granite Cliffs Below
It is worth every moment of planning to take this trip when you come to Palm Springs. Hiking can be done all year round but is best when done in cooler temperatures. If you decide to hike the many trails around here, especially in the Summer time, be certain to plan your hike for EARLY in the morning; as in first light! By 2pm the temperatures  climb to their warmest, and summertime temperatures can reach 120 degrees. Beware that in the cool of the sunrise and sunset, “others” (as in snakes) choose to take advantage of the trails at these times too. Native snakes include rattlesnakes.  The chances of seeing one is slim, but here is a nice reference guide to study. Native Snakes

Also, be certain to take adequate amounts of water with you. Tiny little “two swallow bottles” (as I call them) will not suffice. Here is a link to helpful information regarding water. (Please note: I am NOT in favor of the sports drinks, as the article suggests. Read the bottle’s ingredient label, and then consider drinking water and finishing with an ice cold Coconut Water instead. Sports Drinks include High Fructose Corn Syrups, sugar, and vegetable oils. Yes, vegetable oils! What to Drink When Hiking


As a pharmacist once told me, “You only need about a tablespoon or two of a sports drink to help bring your electrolytes into balance”. Drinking a whole bottle of the stuff can actually be harmful.  But, this is a topic for another blog. Of course, I offer you this information with encouragement to research on your own. Everyone is different, and you should consult with a knowledgeable doctor if you have questions regarding your health.

Once you finish hiking, you should really consider a relaxing massage. Being both a hiker and a massage therapist, I suggest a firm therapeutic massage.  

After hiking I also highly recommend a good tub soak using 2-3oz of 100% pure Magnesium OIL. If you have any questions on how to find this oil or massage questions please use the comment area below. Or you can reference my website at:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Oils, Lotions, Creams, Gels, Powders What do you like?

As a Professional Massage Therapist, I can tell you that using the right massage lubricant is extremely important to the practice of massage. When I choose the massage products that I use in my business, I test them and live with them to find just the right one.
I have gone through many, searching for the "holy grail"; if you will.

The ones that didn't make it?

Biotone's basic massage oil - The favorite of many a massage therapist, but I find there is nothing special about it. For me, it is unremarkable. So, why use it?

Anything with vitamin E - While we're told that vitamin E is good for the skin, the result is is a sticky product. It is definitely not good for bodies covered with hair!

Talcum powder - There have been many studies which show that the use of talc is very dangerous for your health. Still, the FDA approves it, and it remains widely available to all; not unlike cancer- and tumor-causing sugar substitutes (such as those used in diet sodas). High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) anyone?

Sunflower oils - I can't say anything good about them.

Lubricants made with Red Wine (Grape) extracts - These are, literally, a headache to use. The properties of the product are absorbed through my hands, and I get an instant headache. Green grapes don't seem to have the same effect.

My favorites?

Pure Fiji - Hands down, the best massage oil I've used, to date. It is expensive, but this is a case where you get what you pay for.
Pure Fiji has an entire line of products made from mango, white ginger lily, pineapple and starfruit. They have creams, lotions, oils and many other products to chose from. These items can be purchased on my website, through the services of Amazon marketplace.

Bon Vital Natural Gel - For my clients that are naturally carpeted, this gel is the best because it does not pull the hair. Many therapists out there prefer to work only on clients that are smooth or clean shaven. With this product, there is no compromise when performing deep tissue or Swedish styles of massage.

I have tried and continually offer a variety of expeller pressed (without the use of chemicals) oils. Coconut is my favorite. I also use hemp, olive and grapeseed.

Ghee (clarified butter) - Some people may be surprised by its use, but it has properties that are said to be very nurturing to the skin. It was used by the Egyptians, thousands and thousands of years ago. They would rub it on the skin as well as rub it into their eyes ( I don't practice that one). Ghee is still used today by many Ayurvedic (India) practices. They have also used it for centuries.

Certified Organic Coconut powder - I use this for my Signature Coconut Energy Powder Rubdowns. Also based on Indian Ayurvedic traditions powder has been used for massage for centuries. Any of my clients will tell you that it leaves the skin feeling very invigorated. Try this massage!

I hope my clients appreciate the attention that I give to choice of massage products. I know that ultimately it becomes part of the overall experience. If clients walk away with a great experience, who cares about the products used? I do. I spend not only time but also money choosing what i feel is the best product that I can offer. The products I use are often premium products that carry a premium price tag to match.

-As a client, which massage products have you used that are exceptional?


-As a therapist, which product(s) do you prefer to use on your clients?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"I hurt, but in a good way."

As a Massage Therapist within a resort setting, I have heard this expression many times from people who have described their previous massage experiences. Then they tell me:

“I want you to make me cry.”
“I want you to take my breath away.”
“I can take it”
“I might be small but I REALLY want you to use a lot of pressure”
“Go ahead and hurt me because I know I need it”

What? These statements astonish me. First of all, as a professional Massage Therapist, I’m certainly not going to “hurt” you. Professionally and personally this is just makes no sense at all. So don’t even ask me to do this. After we have developed some sort of rapport, I may massage deeper depending upon the need or situation; but I would never ever perform massage with the intention of “hurting” anyone, at anytime ~ ever. Especially not in a resort setting! It is just never going to happen with me...ever!

It is also my experience that American men will typically ask for a “Deep Tissue” because they don’t want to appear as girly men. Machismo and massage does not mix. Just because you are six foot, four inches and weigh 300 pounds does not mean that Deep Tissue is your massage.

In the massage business, there are many styles of massages that are referred to as being Therapeutic. These are relaxing massages that offer many benefits such as:

• Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
• Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
• Ease medication dependence.
• Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body’s natural defense system.
• Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
• Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts.
• Improve the condition of the body’s largest organ—the skin.
• Increase joint flexibility.
• Lessen depression and anxiety.
• Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
• Reduce spasms and cramping.
• Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
• Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller and relieve migraine pain.

I would say that a large majority of folks that come to me for massage have unfortunately received a Therapeutic Massage that was anemic or lackluster at one time or another. I‘ve had them myself. They’re not pleasant and I usually cannot wait for them to finally be over. However, Therapeutic Massage, if done with intuitive pressure and real attention given areas of concern, is incredibly relaxing and extremely satisfying. Most importantly it is therapeutic!

Many clients (including many therapists!) mistakenly believe that therapeutic massage is simply a beginning “level” of therapy. I believe that certain therapists will actually tell clients that it is going to “hurt” because this is a way of imparting to a client a feeling of getting their money’s worth.

Is deeper massage work ever necessary? Absolutely! Deep Tissue, in particular, can be highly effective for adhesions which can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation. Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles.

The benefits are:

• Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
• Reduce post surgery adhesions and swelling.

Do most people need Deep Tissue Massage? Ummm….no. As my good friend and mentor, Jules Hamland, has taught me, you need to simply break the cycle of stress to begin to heal the body, mind and spirit.

Folks that come to me and want massage to “hurt them” are, in short, misinformed and looking for a quick fix. How long did it take those knots and sore muscles to become so plentiful? A year? A month? A week? A day? Then how on earth can anyone expect to get rid of this condition in about an hour? It doesn’t pass the test of reasonability and is akin to get rich quick schemes ~ instant gratification. Many times these are the very same clients that will return obsessively for more “hurt me” massages. Unfortunately, I believe there are some therapists who may take advantage of clients who want to “hurt in a good way” after massage.

After a massage, you should never say, “I hurt, but in a good way.” Pain is not good. Pain is our body’s way of telling us to change a particular behavior. To purposely inflict pain upon another person or to accept that pain with eagerness is, to be frank, just ignorant.

If you are looking for a very gratifying massage, find a therapist (like me) that actually listens to you and works with you, and not “on you.” I will bring together the right pressure and various techniques that will leave you in an absolute state of dizzying euphoria. A good therapist will help you to receive a massage that is correct for you. One way to start, for example, is by asking for a “firm” Swedish massage.

Please leave your thoughts on massage in general. What types work for you? What have been your best experiences?

Below is a link to my good friend and mentor Jules Hamland’s Wholistic Bodywork website. She has performed massage in many different settings. She teaches over-the-top pampering styles of massage. She is an expert in mobile massage and is completing her first ebook on the subject. Please check out her websites and pages here on Facebook (and don’t forget to “Like” them if you do).

Please see:

From Jule’s Wholistic Bodywork website - “Throughout my years as a practicing Bodyworker, I have continuously run into a couple of interesting perceptions about bodywork: 1) You must experience pain in your massage or it’s a waste of time and money; or 2) If you aren’t experiencing pain, you don’t need a massage. From my viewpoint, both of these are gross misunderstandings of bodywork – at least in my world...”